Mr bush www
- Excellent opening
- Good sound affects
- POV shots
- Excellent cinematography use of close up
- Fade to black during sequence
- Effective lighting at night
- Camerawork- steady and well exposed
- Fade to black in end
- Accuracy of writing
- Include diagetic sound
- Impact
- Framing of "if you shot"
Peer feedback
- Very good editing
- Excellent acting
- Clear narrative
- Good acting
- Camerawork was good
- Clear audio
- Amazing visuals and sound
- Parallel sound was good
- Good use of close up
- Too short
- Spelling mistake
- Use other audio
- Trim soundtrack
- Should not make it 2 minute
Over all i feel like my editing was very good for example how I edited the opening was done very well also the different shots that I used were also done to the best it could. However i should've made the video a little bit longer and I should also double check my work so that I can make sure there arnt any mistakes
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