Edititng Scrirpt

Jasmeet is walking towards the alleyway alone at night

She turns the corner to see the group of boys

She keeps on walking

Nauman: Hey babes what your number

Jasmeet turns around to face the leader

Jasmeet: Excuse me Do I know you

The camera switches back to the leader

Nauman: Shut up your clapped anyway

The camera switches back to jasmeet

Jasmeet: Fuck off

Group of boys: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The group of boys start to instigate the problem.

Mandeep: Personally I wouldn't have that

The leader puts on his hood and jacket hood

He follows after Jasmeet who is going deeper in the alley way

She turns around and he punches her in the face

There is a different shot of her getting punched in the house

The final shot is Jasmeet on the floor crying


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